10/06'09 Muslim Scholar and EJP
Salaam Dr. Omar,
I have a question that pertains to the Pope's use of the American military in destroying the Shia Moslems in securing the Vatican's revived "Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem".
Do the Shia Moslems have a greater hostility to Israel than the Sunni Moslems?
It appears to me that this is the case as the Shia are the heart of Hezbollah and Hezbollah is financed by Shia Iran. If the Shia are in fact the foremost enemies of Israel in the Moslem world, then it makes complete sense that Rome is using their American Empire and soon-to-be-European Union Nato forces, for the annihilation of the Shia in Iraq, Iran and Southern Lebanon. With the Sunnis financing this crusade, it appears that Sunni Saudi Arabia, Sunni Jordan, Sunni Syria, Sunni UAE, Sunni Kuwait, etc. backing this present crusade in Iraq and Afghanistan. It appears that no matter how many Sunnis are killed (Pakistan), the Shia nations are the prime targets for the simple reason that they are the greatest Islamic enemies of Israel – Rome's Kingdom of Jerusalem.
I await your response.
Sincerely in faith,
Brother Eric
Salaam Mr. Phelps,
The Shia, you must remember, are a Cult, complete with all cult characteristics. Thus, they are easier to mobilize. Traditional Scholars do not consider them true Muslims, though they claim to be.
Essentially and historically, they are political opportunists and the State of Israel has provided them with an 'enemy' that is easier to focus on for the purpose of creating a unified effort with greater justification for the first time in history.
At the helm, their leaders are Ishmai'li, Occultists with a Kabbalist bent towards Mysticism, and their attachment to Mahdism is little different than that of Zionists for their "King of Jerusalem" à la the Merovingian cum crypto-Jew proclivity. Thus, they are fanatacists.
The advantage they have is the strong "Catholic"-like ecclesiarchy of their ulema or scholars, which, unlike that of the Sunnis', is unified as a result of the occult indoctrination and estotericism that has cast a 'spell' which binds – much as did that of the Occult SS. They are Nazis essentially, and this is not surprising, as they hail from the land of ancient Ayrianism.
Therefore, from my perspective, the Hermeticists guiding the Jesuits, Zionists, Freemasons, New Agers, Satanists and all papal orders (knighthoods etc.) et alia, are using this inherent device to exacerbate the divide between Sunni and Shia so that destruction of all Muslims – from within followed by justified slaughter from without (Western Crusade) – is better assured.
In other words, the Occult dogma of the Shia is Messianic as is that of the Kabalist Jew, so the mania is equal on both sides of the Euphrates and guided by Black Robes and Black Hats respectively. This makes the Shia pro-active rather than reactive, as are the passive Sunnis, who lack a unified authority or leadership. These are already divided amongst themselves and, for the most part, play their lives under secular leaders in league with Papists, as we already know.
Satan, on the other hand, has made the Shia a law unto themselves by Allah's leave, due to their perverse doctrines, which, much like Catholics, have lifted the family of Ali and his wife, Fatima, above the example of the Prophets, including Mohammad.
Fatima has become a mediatrix, much like Mary for the Catholics, and "The 12th Imam" said to descend from her, is elevated to the Adam Kadmon of the Jews: "The Perfect Man" avatar of Ayatollah Khomeini.
They await him imminently, and their evangelical fervor is equal to that of Born Again Zealots. Thus, because of their political and utilitarian success in the scientific realm since the revolution, they are gaining favor amongst ignorant Sunnis who are now seeking different approaches to reconciliation, despite the Heathen roots of esoteric Shia doctrine.
Academics from both sides are collaborating, with the help of Jesuit Coadjutors such as Esposito, in order to find "common ground" and thus overlook the chasms of differences. Hence, the sound advice of traditional scholars is overlooked, and ideological division amongst Sunnis is exacerbated in favor of a false Universalism taken up by the naive.
All in all, it's a perfect plan for annhilation.
I hope these brief remarks are of some value to you my brother. And I thank you for the honor of directing your query to me.
Dr. Omar
Salaam Dr. Omar,
In the face of Rome's crusade against the Shia and ultimately the Sunni Moslem World, I would remind you of our past relationship as Protestants and Baptists to the Moslem world of the Middle and Near East.
The Dutch Reformed people, whose sailors were known as "The Wild Beggars of the Sea", were friends with Suleiman the Magnificent to the extent that no Moslem cruisers ever attacked the Dutch Protestants on the high seas. The Dutch, in turn, wore Moslem Crescents on their caps with the inscription, "Rather Turkish than Popish." The Dutch Protestants would fight right along side the Turkish fleets against Rome if ever they would have had opportunity.
I maintain we need to do the same. The Jesuit papacy has killed out the White Protestants and Baptists in North America for the last 120 years via war and the Pope's Medical Inquisition. We have been duped to fight Rome's Crusades since the Indian Wars of the Great Plains killing hundreds of thousands of us. We have been driven from every position of wealth and power, so as to be in fact in exile within our own country. If the Sunnis could understand that we are not enemies but rather mutual allies in the war against the Jesuit papacy, I believe the Lord Jesus Christ would bless our efforts to that end.
Of course we reject your doctrine as to Christ being merely a prophet and you reject our doctrine of Christ being the Son of God apart from whom there is no salvation after death. But, we could ally ourselves to the mutual ends of resisting the imperialism of Rome and agreeing that after the our holy wars against the Jesuit papacy certain lands would be yours, free of Protestants and Baptists, and our lands would be free of all Moslems. For two cannot walk together in the same land unless they be agreed. We would never accept the Koran and Sharia Law as a way of life and you would never accept the Reformation Bible as your final authority for faith and practice. This spiritual division between our peoples would one day be exploited by the Jesuits, thus we need to live in our own lands.
Therefore, we would mutually be identified by race, language, culture, religion and geographic borders composing our specific nations. We could trade with each other and agree never to invade each other's lands unless our ignorant descendants, corrupted by the Black Hats, would violate our terms of trust and begin warring with each other. If the Sunni Moslems and Protestants of the 16th century could live with the above understanding, we should be able to do the same today.
The papacy has been deliberately creating a mutual hatred between our peoples which can only lead to a fratricidal war in which no one can win. In the process, the Black Pope will eliminate two of his most powerful enemies, and upon those bloody ruins of our nations and peoples, Rome will plant her flag of universal monarchy under the pope of Rome ruled by the Jesuit Superior General. We will be a thousand times in more despair than we are now, in an utterly hopeless morass of papal onslaught.
We need to begin on this road of mutual respect and friendship between Sunni Moslems and Protestants/Baptists. If any of your people would convert to the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible, they could repatriate to our countries. If any of our peoples would convert to the Prophet Mohammed of the Koran, they could resettle in your countries. But politically, we could together resist the designs of Rome as never seen in history. Imagine the fleets of William the Silent and Suleiman together against the Knights of Malta at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. We would have won and the Jesuit Papacy would have been beaten into retreat. But Islam lost Lepanto, the greatest sea battle since Rome defeated Greece at the battle of Actium in 31 BC. Imagine the power of an American Protestant Navy and Air Force coupled with the Sunni warriors of Turkey, Egypt, Libya, Arabia, Lebanon, and many other Sunni nations fighting to remove the political power of Rome within their own countries. Imagine the closing down of every pope-serving Masonic lodge in our nations! There would be a peace unknown to the 19th and 20th centuries.
In conclusion, if the One True God does not begin to fight for us against Satan's Jesuit Papacy, we are finished. For the Pope controls all the national banks, all the currencies, all the gold hoarded in his central banks, the entire intelligence community united at the top by the Knights of Malta, the international Islamic terrorist network created by the CIA, the international drug trade and its international Mafia centered in Sicily, the armies of the US, NATO, Russia and China, and we have been reduced to mere chattel slaves waiting for our slaughter.
I respect you Dr. Omar and have never spoken to a Moslem in this fashion before. Please consider my words and invitation.
Sincerely in faith,
Brother Eric
Salaam Dear Brother Phelps,
This is the most rational proposal I've heard thus far. I will pray for guidance as to how and via what channels this is best forwarded.
God will decide between us as regarding our differences, which must always be borne in mind. However, the enemy of God's people of good will and intent, must be withstood with the same courage as had Prophet David in the face of the Philistine. Therefore, I bear witness that this "Alliance" is indeed a blessed one and stands also with the example set by Mohammad in Medina.
Please be mindful that I am but a small voice within a fragmenting yet still monolithic community. Also, please feel free to utilize our correspondence as best suits your purpose under the guidance of Heaven and for the benefit of God's people everywhere. Meaning, you may quote me at will with full disclosure. I do not fear the enemy, I fear our Creator.
Sincerely and With Heart felt regard,
Dr. Omar
Dear Dr. Omar,
So let it be written.
So let it be done.
And may the One True God direct our steps together in resisting his greatest of earthly enemies, the devil's Jesuit Papacy.
Lord Bless,
Brother Eric
Cojo) What a great opening! Thanks a lot for having such a moving correspondence (from a non-monotheistic/non-atheistic, rather shamanic viewpoint) and thank you even more for making it public!
Rosario Francesco Esposito – no further comment necessary, I think.
The Holy See recognises also the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta, which traces its history to 1048 when the hospital in Jerusalem was founded by Amalfi merchants. Certainly by 1080 the Hospital was being operated by blessed Gerard (about whom little is now known). By Papal Bull of 15 February 1113, which is still in existence, Pope Paschal II formally founded the Order of St John as a military order of chivalry. By the 1140s the role of the Order had transformed into as much a military role as a medical one. Along with the Order of the Temple (which was solely military in nature) the Order constructed numerous massive fortifications in the Holy Land, the best known of which is the enormous Krak des Chaveliers and was one of the principal crusader fighting units. After the fall of Acre in 1291 the Order settled first in Cyprus and then Rhodes. By necessity the Order evolved into one focused on sea-based warfare and developed a small but very effective galley force. The Order continued its military campaigning against the now victorious Islamic forces, which precipitated the two sieges of Rhodes in 1480 and 1523. The forces of Suleiman the Magnificent were successful in the second of these, however the Order was permitted by him to leave Rhodes with military honors as a gesture of respect for their courageous defense. In 1530 Charles V, with the approval of Pope Clement VII, granted Malta to the Order for the annual rent of one Maltese Falcon. The highlight of the Order's time in Malta was the ferocious siege of 1565, where the Order successfully resisted a second attempt to destroy them by Suleiman. It continued to harass the Mediterranean Islamic powers throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, but in 1798 was forced from its Maltese stronghold by Napoleon, as the Order's laws prohibited it from taking up arms against fellow Christians. The Order's headquarters are now situated at its Magistral Palace on the via Condotti in Rome and is led by its 79th Grand Master, Fra' Matthew Festing. He enjoys the precedence of a Cardinal and hence is referred to as Eminence. By virtue of the Order's sovereign status he is also a Royal Prince and is internationally recognized as a Chief of State. The Order now has embassies in 99 countries, is a permanent official observer at the UN, issues its own stamps and passports, and is a well respected international aid organization. It is a Sovereign entity and therefore constitutes a fons honorum. Knights of the Order therefore are created by the Order, not by the Holy See, as is the case with the Equestrian Order. The Order is the fourth oldest continually extant Order of the Catholic Church and consists both of professed religious (those who have taken full religious vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience) and lay Catholic men and women. The Grand Master, at present His Most Eminent Highness Fra Matthew Festing (who succeeded Fra Andrew Bertie in 2008), is elected by the professed religious members of the Order, and serves for life, or until abdication (only two Grand Masters in history have abdicated). Elections of the Grand Master must be approved by the Supreme Pontiff, who also appoints a Cardinal Patron and a Prelate of the Order.
10/20'09 EJP Replies to Questions of Muslim Scholar
Salaam Dr. Omar,
I would like to send to you an updated copy of my 2008 Conspiracy Conference Power Point now 688 slides. It is most instructive and informative giving a basic understanding of the Papacy from its inception in 325 AD. Please give me an address and I will get it to you immediately. The power point was composed for the use of people teaching others in a simple, direct fashion. It may be translated into Arabic at your earliest convenience.
#1. "In light of nearly 500 years of history recording the doctrines and deeds of the Society of Jesus, it is safe to conclude the Military Company of Jesus was crafted by Satan for the purpose of first taking Jerusalem away from the Muslims and secondly, to overthrow the risen Son of God's grand and glorious, Bible-based, European Protestant Reformation. Using Don Ignatius Loyola, a Spanish nobleman and 'Illumbrados' Knight Templar, Loyola was the antithesis to Luther, out of which Hegelian dialectic we understand true world history since the birth of the Reformation in 1517 and the birth of the Order in 1534.
Out of this dialectic we behold the Order's nefarious doctrines and diabolical deeds. Those doctrines include twisted and perverse justifications for assassinating political leaders opposing the Pope's Temporal Power pursuant to the Order's 'Extreme Oath of Induction', men such as America's John F. Kennedy ('the leaden bullet'-1963), South Africa's Hendrik F. Verwoerd ('the steel of the poniard'-1966), Katanga's Moise Tshombe ('the poison cup'-1969) and Saudi Arabia's King Faisal ('the leaden bullet'-1975). The diabolical deeds of blood include the First Thirty Years' War (1618-1648), the Second Thirty Years' War – including the Order's Freemasonic Young Turks carrying out the Armenian and Assyrian Massacres of non-papal 'heretic' Christians so 'accursed' the Black Pope's Council of Trent (1914-1945), and the Anglo-American-led 12th Crusade against Islam (2001-Present) begun on October 7, 2001 – the very same day the Black Pope's 'Holy League', including Papal Roman Caesar Pius V with his Knights of Malta, fought the massive naval Battle of Lepanto defeating the Muslim fleet of Suleiman the Magnificent, October 7, 1571.
The Society of Jesus, having now reclaimed its former pinnacle of world power once wielded prior to Pope Clement XIV's Bull of Suppression and Extinction issued in 1773, first gained control of the British Crown by no later than 1760 with the accession of King George III. Thus the 19th Century was 'The British Century', the once Protestant Empire under complete domination of the Society via Illuminized, Freemasonic British traitors. By no later than 1868 the Order was in absolute control of the Pope's new 'Holy Roman' 14th Amendment, Socialist-Communist, Corporate Fascist, American Empire. Thus the 20th Century was 'The American Century', America's CFR-controlled military-industrial complex having been the lever to restore the Pope's Temporal Power over Europe and the Middle East, then the Far East and Africa, and now, with the Order's CFR-directed 'Project for the New American Century' (PNAC), in the rebuilding of both the City and Kingdom of Babylon beginning with Dubai and Baghdad. The Order's endgame is to enthrone a Pope of its making, murdered and risen from the dead, to be the Biblical Antichrist, in a rebuilt Hebrew Temple on the 'mosque-free' Temple Mount (thanks to the present Crusade) in Jerusalem, while making the rebuilt Kingdom of Babylon the risen Pope's commercial capital of the world."
#2. Concerning Terry Melanson, he is merely another Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor parroting the historic Jesuit line that Weishaupt was an enemy of the Jesuits, that he loathed the Jesuits, that he had broken with the very Order that had educated him and had secretly given him the Chair of Canon Law at Ingolstadt University in that Jesuit stronghold of Bavaria after the Order's expulsion from Bavaria. Roman Catholic author Nesta Webster is another promoter of this calculated deception, remembering that she was the intimate friend of Jesuit ultramontane (fascist) Cardinal Manning, the Archbishop of Westminster. Further, the reason Roman Catholic Bavarian authorities expelled Weishaupt from the country was, the Illuminati had been identified as a clandestine arm of the Order. Remember, the Society had formally been expelled from Roman Catholic Bavaria – the foremost Jesuit stronghold in Europe north of the Alps and springboard for the First Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) – because of the Pope's Bull of Suppression. Thus, the expulsion of the Company from Bavaria in 1773 was followed by the expulsion of Jesuit Weishaupt's Illuminati eleven years later in 1784 – it serving as a mere undercover tentacle of the Jesuit Order. Further, Melanson cannot refute my chain of evidence regarding the benefits derived by the Order as a result of the French Revolution and subsequent Napoleonic Wars, not to mention the fact that Napoleon's Second Consul and foremost advisor was a Jesuit, Abbe Emmanuel Sieyes.
"Who benefits?" always answers the question as to the real culprits behind any plot. Did not the Jesuits benefit when their Jacobins murdered King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, as Louis' Bourbon grandfather, Louis XV, had expelled the Society from France in 1764 and Marie's Habsburg mother, Maria Theresa, had expelled the Order from Austria in 1774? Was this not payback? Did not the Order benefit when the Jacobins killed nearly every Roman Catholic priest in Southern France, especially the Dominicans having taken the Inquisition away from the Jesuits after the Order's suppression? Did not the Order benefit when it raised up Napoleon from the Island of Corsica, the very island upon which thousands of Jesuits had been confined as a result of their expulsion from South America and Europe? Did not the Order benefit when Napoleon destroyed the Protestant Dutch Republic in 1806 – in accordance with the Counter Reformation Council of Trent? Did not the Order benefit when Napoleon sacked Malta in 1798, thirty years after the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta had expelled the Order in 1768? Did not the Order settle an old score for the Vatican's suppressed Knights Templars when Napoleon invaded Egypt and killed the entire Islamic Mamluk bodyguard of the Sultan of Cairo, the Mamluks having driven the Templars from Acre in 1291 – thereby ending the Pope's Kingdom of Jerusalem? Did not the Order benefit when it used Napoleon to invade Acre and proclaim Palestine to be a homeland for the world's Jews – Napoleon being the world's first Labor Zionist for the Jesuit Order? Did not the Order nearly benefit when Napoleon sought to sever Roman Catholic Ireland from Protestant Great Britain, an event that would later transpire in 1922 following WWI? Did not the Order benefit when Napoleon invaded Portugal thus driving its king into exile, the king having expelled the Society from not only Portugal, but from all his colonies in South America in 1759? Did not the Order benefit when Napoleon invaded Spain and thus drove the king into exile, the king having expelled the Order from not only Spain but from all his colonies in South America in 1767? Did not the Order benefit when Napoleon sacrificed his Grand Armee in the snows of Russia in 1812, thereby eliminating hundreds of thousands of true, anti-pope/anti-king, republican nationalists that would have posed a threat to the ultimate re-entrance of the Order into France via King Louis XVIII? Did not the Order benefit when Napoleon held Pope Pius VII as a prisoner for five years (1809-1814) the pope having agreed to revive the Order upon his return to Rome at the hand of the British ruled by Jesuit-directed King George III? The list is nearly endless and thus Melanson can never refute the chain of evidence leading to the undeniable conclusion that Weishaupt was a Freemasonic Jesuit until the day he died – as a Roman Catholic!
Your reading between the lines is right on target.
Sincerely in faith,
Brother Eric
#1. Would like your permission to quote you in my upcoming book "The Cult of Rome" here, it would be helpful if you could provide your most damning snipet, as I don't wish to reiterate your own work. So a brief assessment – professionally toned by your years of research – would be sufficient. A few paragraphs, perhaps more.
#2. Regarding Weishaupt: Terry Melanson refutes your assessment of his occult Jesuit sympathies. However, I see his persecution of Jesuits as the perfect ruse. Furthermore, Melanson seems to have his own agenda of discounting the Satanist factor, by keeping everything above
the table as if this were just rationalism versus religion and some extremists. What say you about his attack on your scholarship, and my reading between the lines?
Dr. Omar Omar Zaid, M.D.
Research Fellow, ISTAC, UIA, KL, Malaysia – Physician, Author, Editor
Cojo) I hate to say it, but unfortunately I have come to the same conclusion concerning Mr. Melanson. I'm afraid to have to say that this guy is a joke, I mean, he's just joking around!
It was September 17, 2007, when he said on Vyzygoth's Grassy Knoll broadcast:
Well, somehow he succeeded in missing the point Cooper tried to make, namely that power arises from mystery with priests as the administrators for the Gods and in the case of Monotheism as the administrators for the ultimate mystery at the absolute top of any "pyramid" of quasi-military bureaucratic hierarchies:I used to listen to Bill Cooper religiously. Every day, every night. On a small little short wave radio [...] three or four years, every night.
Only those who control the piety of the public are able to conduct a "conspiracy" on the cultural scale, I mean, on the dimension of culture which everybody naturally considers as home.No king ever existed without the permission of the priesthood. The kings never had the power and do not to this day. Kings exist at the whim of the real power which is the priesthood standing behind the thrown.
"Pedro Arrupe SJ [...] introduced the term 'inculturation' into the Catholic Church: 'Inculturation is the Incarnation of the Christian life and the Christian message [resp. Jesuitry] into a certain culture, to be precise in such a way that this experience is not only expressed in forms of the culture concerned (this would be only a superficial adaptation), but so that it becomes the principle of a new inspiration, at the same time guide and uniting power, changing and creating this culture anew. Inculturation so stands at the beginning of a new creation.'" I don't believe that Terence McKenna knew a considerable amount of the Power and Secret of the Jesuits, but it was him who said: "Culture is not your friend". For me, this is like the riddle and its solution, and therefore I detect strong resonances between the detective work of Eric and the "philosophical adventurism" of Terence. As citizens we are culturally controlled, not just politically.
Another joke of him goes as follows:
Maybe, maybe not. It may be true that Eric does call himself a bigot – he did it at least once, I think, on May 14, 2008 – but Terry makes the pointing of his finger sound as if the Jesuit Knights, the Maltese Knights and the common Catholic were different directions, you know, which they aren't: one Papist besides another. And: he ought to know that the Vatican Assassins project identifies the following of the Papacy also outside of the colossus, outside Catholic institutions. EJP (with friends) is "the only one" (as the Man of the Breakthrough that he, in my opinion, is) who actually makes the monolith, that we were warned of by JFK, visible – fold by fold, from the bottom up to the very top with its highest trained shepherds, including all sorts of successful infiltrations, and that in detail as well as the total view instead of like the infamous Jones Joker just bawling at an anonymous "global elite" by playing "the best we can do is to poke about in the fog" game. Between ourselves: more important than any bloodlines are "the Kortschagins" like, for example, a John Carroll.When the Jesuits don't fit, he throws in the Knights of Malta. When they don't fit, he points the finger at Catholics just because they are Catholics. It's called bigotry.
For someone who attaches that much of importance to academic mastership is the finger-pointing argument quite thin.
Allright, on one hand I can't deny a certain scientific crudeness of Eric's presentations, but on the other hand you involuntarily provide through qualifying such a statement as "here's the point", which doubtless means sort of ultimate decision criterion, an exact demonstration how the "patronizing" regime of Power out of Piety resp. modern World-Jesuitism works. Paradigmatically! You expect from a truly independent researcher a wiliness on the level of an expert of the Council of Foreign Relations which Jim Billington "coincidentally" is. Of course, Arrabito, Cooper, Phelps, O'Collins, Maxwell, Hoensbroech and others don't play in the same academic ligue like Quigley, Chomsky, Buckley, Sloterdijk, Eco or Tarpley, but it's the focus that's crucial: without the appropriate fixing of the issue you can't get the results you wish for.Phelps doesn't write history. He compiles and spews rhetoric. If you want an idea how history is researched and written, consult James H. Billington. Analyze in minute detail his methodology and use of sources in Fire in the Minds of Men. It is as simple as that. Then compare what it is that Billington does with what it is that Phelps does.
Again: nice try, but nevertheless very thin. Seems to me as if T. Melanson has become intellectually complacent by being the master of "sniffing out" something without really doing the sniff job like a true sleuth. I mean, he doesn't even list the Men in Black from the Company of Jesus under members of a secret society, which means organizations with increasing esoteric core levels embedded within an exoteric less or non-initiated, externally charitable-appearing pretty protective environment. Can his book be a must-have then at all?
Of course, one doesn't have to be rabid to show how deeply from the Roman priesthood Christianized European nations are soaked in with Jesuitism as the ultimate distillate of Catholicism, the essence of our to a very large degree Catholicised Western culture, including the author (and me and everybody else) of "the book" that appears to be completely unaware of the blatant development from the "Perfectibilists" to the "Infallibilists".
Now it's fun, Terry, you know, because I've got my head around the probability that no controlled controversalist will follow me onto the piety parquet, no gatekeeper will dare to put a foot on the piety dancefloor. No fake researcher can ever afford to enter this particular battlefield with grid squares of piety or piety-theoretical interconnections. No chance. That's the beauty of my approach to the millennia-old Babylonian, Egyptian, Roman, European, and specifically the Jesuit world-wide "conspiracy". "9/11" isn't a conspiracy but the way we live, and it needs more than "amateur fact checkers" to make this understandable.
So, as long as "there is room for a scholarly look at all the accusations directed at the Jesuits", let's use it. Let's see if Mr. Illuminati Conspiracy Archive is able and willing to speak with me, because, frankly, I don't think Eric should waste his time on this "sideshow". The attempt will be protocoled anyway.
The Collins brothers are also trying hard, sometimes by kicking around hypothetical peanuts.
Is it yet possible to undergo the process of Sharpening the Iron with you, Terry, I mean, in a friendly way? "To someone who has even a modicum of familiarity" with the rules of debating it "is indeed a preposterous claim" saying "the world doesn't work that way" while ignoring the facts – most notably for a fervent fact checker like yourself – on the state of embeddedness by birth of the devout sheep and the monolithicness of the shepherds' "fold" that causes it. If you seriously want to leave it there, I would have no other chance than to see you literally as a blind alley that either can't nor apparently won't deliver an all-engrossing conclusive survey of the system with the "9/11" Criminals underlined. Another Alex Prisonplanet Jones if you will resp. one of the backups for his Infowar Wurlitzer, which couldn't more blatantly behave as propaganda machine putting every useful information through the mangle and minces it into nothing. I had to classify your efforts then probably also as being part of the Dominus Iesus dominion. You see?
Do you know the British movie An Ideal Husband?
For me the reason why, for example, a man like James Martin wanted to become a Jesuit priest by all means: to manipulate people to the largest possible extent. Are you perhaps sharing such desires? You don't want to keep us clueless about the true nature of the old monotheistic monolithic fold, do you? Listen to you, and then listen to Darryl! You only can be "the last man standing", you know, if you show up and adress the toughest issues in a convincing manner. Are you ready for that?And now I think it's time you knew the truth, that all these riches, this wondrous luxury amounts, finally, to nothing. That power, power over other men is the one and only thing worth having. This is what I call the philosophy of power, the gospel of gold. So now the question arises how you become powerful, I mean, you personally. The answer is simple. The answer is information. Information is the modern commodity that can shake the world.
Jon Byk once wrote:
We might do a litte series in which we could stake out the corner points of the big picture as you have figured it out after over 17 years of intense research. Do you think of yourself as a patriot, too?Jeff Rense, a Vatican Shill
"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." Frederick Douglass
"Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for ever and ever.
And all the people said, Amen, and praised the Lord." 1st Chronicles 16:36
Jeff Rense is an Alex Jones in drag but with a better makeup mistress. Although he knowingly, or unknowingly, runs my banner (christianintelligenceagency.com) on his website, he constantly rejects articles of mine that deal with Vatican corruption or intrigue. Instead, he works for the Pope by constantly laying the blame on the Zionists who are nothing more than court Jews manipulated by Rome.
You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist. Webster's New World College Dictionary defines Zionism as "a movement formerly for reestablishing, now for supporting, the Jewish national state of Israel". By default, that makes all the Roman Catholic Crusaders and their supporters all the way back to the 11th century A.D. Zionists. To equate Zionism with Jewry and then surmise evil is a syllogism based upon false premises that even the most simple of analytical thinkers can dismiss. To say that all Zionist are Jews is akin to saying that all Americans are Caucasians. Furthermore, to extend the faulty logic and claim that all Zionists are evil would be the same as implying that all Caucasians are evil Americans. Anyone with half a brain can see the stupidity in this statement.
Rome has historically been the enemy of Israel and the Jewish people. From the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. to the Spanish Inquisition and the tacit support of the Vatican for Hitler, Mussolini, the Ustashe, and other fascist fronts for the Jesuits in the 20th century, Catholicism has been the driving force behind the setup of the Jews for ultimate domination and extinction. And stooges like Jeff Rense, who deny history and stuff their alternative news websites full of anti-Zionist propaganda, are the most egregious supporters of right wing extremism, all the while hiding behind a thin veneer of liberalism and democracy. In short, Jeff Rense is a Jesuit coadutor and he will now probably pull my banner from his website in violation of his communistic Chomsky adage which is posted on his portal page. By contrast, Eric Jon Phelps, author of Vatican Assassins: Wounded in the House of My Friends, is a genuine truth seeker and reprover of evil in the world. Anyone who takes the time to verify his exhaustive historical research which documents the atrocities committed by the Jesuits on behalf of the Vatican can see this. But the average Rense reader will immediately dismiss Mr. Phelp's work because there are no mentions in it of bright, shiny UFO's to entertain the digitalized mind.
No message is more important
1 Kommentare:
"A Teaching Company Great Course by Professor John L. Esposito
Professor John L. Esposito argues that many of the myths and misperceptions surrounding Islam are the product of our lack of information and biases. We fail to recognize that Islam, the youngest of the great religions, shares much in common with Christianity and Judaism, and is experiencing many of the same difficulties that our own, more familiar religions have encountered in the past. In addition, we miss the point that extremists are, by definition, a minority, and do not represent the beliefs of mainstream Muslims around the world. [...]
In this course, you will find Islam to be a dynamic, diverse and surprising faith and comprehensive way of life that produced empires and a rich civilization. If women in some Muslim societies are covered and segregated in public, in many others they ride motorcycles, drive cars, and serve in the professions and government (and, in fact, have been prime ministers of Turkey, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, and president of Indonesia).
Although Islam has become to be associated with authoritarian regimes and religious extremism, the reality for Muslims themselves is far different. In the 21th century, the vast majority of Muslims (conservative, "fundamentalist", and reformist) are struggling to interpret and apply their faith and heritage to the realities of modern life and society. [...]
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