10/20'09 The Count on Jesuitism and Occult Freemasonry
The following is an answer from a Count in Italy well acquainted with the power of the Jesuit Order that rules high-level Freemasonry. He replies to the question posed below. Brother Eric
Question: Any evidence of drug based initiation rituals in the Catholic Church?
There aren't any I have seen for common Christian rituals. If wine is considered a drug then you can be a good judge, but I don't think any common ritual in any of the orders including the Jesuit ones uses drugs during initiations.
If you are referring to Nobility orders and Chivalric knighthoods, then things can be different depending where you are in the order. As I have told Troyspace, there are some advanced Templar rituals where you are purposely poisoned as a test and given the antidote later, only after you are crazily convinced in madness and tears that you will die in a few days. It's a psychological test to see if you are worthy to receive the next secrets. All kinds of bizarre things are custom, like being intentionally stung by a bee in a bag over your head, and various tortures and water-boarding are also common if you are a younger member. There is a ritual where you drink snake venom too which has been diluted in Chianti wine, and the other members laugh at you because you are paralyzed, and they literally take a piss on you.
Outside nobility there is the flip-side of the Catholic Church which is called the Gnostic Catholic Church commonly known as the O.T.O., which is entirely run by the Jesuits. It has similar rituals and dwells more on Satanism and the Occult. Very dangerous stuff. They use drugs extensively. You'll get more gratification by reading the Bible, and sleeping in peace. Trust me!
Cojo) The same O.T.O. where L. Ron Hubbard was launched from?
Someone told me several months ago, according to informations he allegedly got directly from an Israeli source, that Martin Bormann and Hubbard, the official founder of the scientological terminology, piety, ideology and hierarchy, would have been the same person. Can anybody perhaps confirm such an outstanding pronouncement?
10/21'09 EJP answers Italian count
On State Senator Larry Farnese of Pennsylvania
Dear Eric,
I having been waiting all week to get this new info in to me.
According to the Instituto Araldico Genealogico Italiano, it seems that Larry is a direct descendant of Antonio Farnese [the foremost financier at the founding of Loyola's Jesuit Order – EJP], which, in turn, makes him an extreme Oligarch of the Jesuit order.
Strangely enough, according to the Consiglio, the Farneses have been in both Americas [North and South – EJP] and had a presence in Cuba since the early 1600's and possibly the 1500's. They are famous for being part of both sides of conflict in South American revolutions.
It's strange that they are pro-communistic 'liberals'. It makes absolutely no sense at all.
The Count
Dear Count,
Thanks for the info.
To the contrary, my noble friend, it makes perfect sense, since the endgame of the Jesuit Order is world communism, not world fascism.
Rome's CFR-directed United Nations in New York City is socialist-communist, not socialist-fascist. The agenda of every higher institution of learning is – atheistic communism. The agenda of the legal institutions (law schools) is pro-socialist communist under the guise of "social justice" and humanistic "psychology". The agenda of "public policy" is socialist-communism under the mask of the false religious-communist tenet of "universal equality". Europe is socialist-communist, the U.S. is socialist-communist, Britain is socialist-communist, Russia is socialist-communist, China is socialist-communist, the Far East is socialist-communist, and Islam is presently in alliance with the socialist-communist nations of Russia and China.
World communism can then be blamed on the Jews (i.e., "godless Jew communism"), to then incite a controlled revolt against the "Jew-led", pro-Black race, anti-White race, socialist-communism in the U.S. pointing out all of its injustice and murder of all Whites in general for the last 100 years. Then the Jesuit Order can use its "New Right", New Republican Party, anti-communist, "heretic" White apostate Protestant, and "liberal" White Roman Catholic fascist-neo-nationalist West to kill out all the Muslims, Jews and alien Roman Catholic Latino invaders in the U.S. and Canada as well as kill off millions of foreign Chinese during America's coming, purposely unwinnable, two-front war. After Republican "New Right" Jesuit fascism has run its course for at least 10 years, the Jesuits, in control of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, will then betray U.S. troops (as did Freemasonic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors Napoleon and Hitler on their Russian Eastern Fronts), thus eliminating millions of true, non-hatefully racist, American White nationalists. With our defenders murdered by the poisoned needle and the depleted uranium bullet, and with our civilian nationalists mass-murdered in DHS, neo-fascist concentration camps, the U.S. will then suffer its Sino-Soviet-Moslem invasion that will partition the continent and establish the "real McCoy" Jesuit Inquisitional Socialist-Communism (Soviet and Red Chinese – as both mass-murdering military dictators Stalin and Mao (so admired by Obama) were Freemasonic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors – as is also Obama) to continue for decades fully enforcing the Black Pope's Counter-Reformation Council of Trent.
Meanwhile, Europe will be united under a Roman Catholic Fascist military dictator, who will kill out all of the Muslims in the EU – the real reason why the Jesuits have brought the Pope-hating followers of Muhammad into Europe in the first place. The Order's Hollywood production V for Vendetta makes this clear! He will then become the new protector of the Pope's revived "Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem" – Israel, as I have stated for nearly ten years. Pursuant to God's blessing promised in Genesis 12:1-3 to those people and nations who bless the physical descendants of Abraham, through Issac, through Jacob, the Lord will then extend that blessing to the Pope's EU – just as the devil's Jesuits desire – further building the Vatican-led EU into the mightiest economic and political power in the history of the world.
Again, Socialist-Fascism brings out into the open all the true "heretic and liberal" White nationalists of any country (condemned by the Order's Council of Trent and Jesuit Moral Theology) for the purpose of inciting race and religious hatred towards selected populations. (Prior to WWII, the Germans were incited to hate the racial Jews and the Slavs, the Slavs being in fact "accursed" Orthodox Christian Peoples.) After Rome uses its Socialist-Fascists, she then betrays them into the hands of the Socialist-Communists who then kill them. Fascism sacrifices White, justifiably angry, betrayed, truly anti-communist nationalists into the hands of the Socialist-Communists to then be murdered - that murder being financed by the Pope's blue-blood knighthoods controlling all national banks – which banks are Socialist-Communist as per blue-blood Engels' The Communist Manifesto. This was one of the true purposes of White Roman Catholic fascists Hitler and Mussolini – paid agents of the Black Pope's British MI6/SIS overseeing White Roman Catholic educated, Freemasonic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Josef Stalin and his Socialist-Communist NKVD directed by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Alexander Poskrebyshev. After WWII, both Germany and Italy were put under Socialist-Communism under the guise of radical socialist democracies administered by Roman Catholic Knights of Malta such as West Germany's Konrad Adenauer who employed at least 150 ex-Nazis within his long tenure as Chancellor from 1949 to 1963.
Thus, for the world (save the White-raced, now Roman Catholic EU under the pope), Socialist-Communism is the endgame – fascism merely facilitates that endgame. We shall see the scenario replayed shortly here in the Black Pope's "Holy Roman", 14th Amendment, cartel-corporate fascist (pro-Papal Knight Elite), Socialist-Communist (anti-White "heretic" Protestant/Baptist as well as anti-White "liberal" Roman Catholic Middle Class) American Empire (1868-Present) within the next 20 years. Pennsylvania State Senator Larry Farnese is promoting the Order's coming White nationalist fascism by presently promoting radical, pro-Black, anti-White, Socialist-Communist democracy in majority White, majority-anti-communist, majority Roman Catholic Pennsylvania.
Lord Bless,
Brother Eric
10/21'09 EJP Replies to Lebanese Christian Attorney
Dear Brother Elias,
To be loyal to the Pope and his Canon Law, including the Moral Theology of the Jesuits, is to abandon the Bible born out of the Lord's Grand and Glorious Protestant Reformation.
Is to abandon one's right to private judgment as to what the Bible teaches.
Is to abandon freedom of conscience, speech and press, and thus tens of thousands of modern-era, scientific advancements we all enjoy today, to abandon the history of the last 500 years of Western Civilization born out of the Protestant Reformation, to crave for the return of the Pope's Dark Ages accompanied with the Holy Office of the Inquisition.
And is to become a traitor to one's nation by upholding the Pope's supposed Temporal Power, it being the presumed right of the Papal Roman Caesar to rule all the governments of the nations of the earth from the Sovereign State of Vatican City.
To pray for the priests who boldly claim the audacious power to forgive a man's sins, for priests who claim to be a god, for priests who claim they should not be subject to the civil or criminal jurisdiction of any government.
For priests who seek to enforce the Pope's Temporal Power around the world, for priests who act as a jurisdiction within a jurisdiction (a state within a state – as did the Black Pope's Teutonic Knights of the SS within the Pope's ultramontane Nazi Party), for priests who practice institutionalized pedophilia is a sin against the One True God of the Bible (who gave the Ten Commandments at complete variance with the private lives of the priests) and is thus a crime against the divine institution of Human Government committed to men in order to punish evil and reward good in the fear of God.
Finally, the Pope and his priests, Jesuits in particular, are the most refined servants of the devil on the face of the earth. No other religious leader, or any other religion for that matter, can hold a candle to the Pope and the subversive, murderous history of the pagan Romish papacy. To be an Atheist is a much more sensible decision than rendering obedience to the "Vicar of Christ", who in fact is the "Vicar of Horus". The Protestant Reformed Dutch known as the "Wild Beggars of the Sea" where known far and wide for the nautical skill and ferocity against the Papists. On their caps they wore Islamic Crescents with the inscription beneath: "Rather Turkish Than Popish."
With this conclusion I totally agree.
Lord Bless,
Brother Eric
11/09'09 Hannes from Austria on Jesuit Programming
Dear Mr. Phelps,
Other than that I have something new for you. I have not quite finished Malachi Martin's book The Jesuits yet, I do however cross read quite a lot and so I come across new things relatively often. Well while I was reading a chapter titled "Fascination" in a book entitled The Great Secret by the French 19th century occultist/satanist/wanna-be Catholic priest Eliphas Levi, I stumbled across yet another passage about the Jesuits. I will write it down for you, you can however check it yourself it starts on page 157 in the Weiser Edition (occult publisher) of the book which is available for around 15 $.
EJP) On a point of clarification, the Apostle Paul was not a Roman Catholic as that Mystery Babylonian Religion was not started until 325 AD when the Roman pagan Constantine created his false "Jesus Christ" at the Council of Nicea. I cover this in my 2008 Con Con Power Point extensively.Saint Ignatius composed certain spiritual exercises for cultivating this kind of fascination in his disciples. He laid it down that every day the Jesuit novice should retire to a dark and silent place and employ his imagination in creating a perceptible representation of the mysteries, that he should try to see, and indeed see as real, all the nightmares of Saint Anthony and all the horrors of Hell in a voluntary and waking dream imposed on a wearied brain. During such exercises the heart hardens and atrophies from terror, the reason totters and dies. Ignatius has destroyed the man but has made a Jesuit, and the whole world will not be as strong as this formidable android. Nothing is as implacable as a robot. Once it has been set going it will not stop until you have smashed it. What Loyola did was to create thousands of robots which could be started at a word and sent marching across the world to carry out by all possible means the intentions of the engineer. It must be admitted that his invention is far greater than Pascal's computing machine.
But is such a work moral? Yes, of course, in the thought of its author and of all those who are so devoted that they think they are doing the right thing to become blind cogs like this and automatons without autonomy. Evil will never work men up to this point, nor will reason or even ordinary common sense inflame them in such a way. Philosophy will never have such soldiers. Democracy may have its partisans and martyrs, but never its veritable apostles capable of sacrificing their self-respect and their entire personality on its behalf. I have known and I still do know worthy democrats, and each of them represents the strength of one isolated individual. The name of the Jesuit is Legion. Why are men so cool when reason is involved and so warm when it comes to fighting for some figment of their imagination? It is because man, in spite of all his pride, is defective. He does not have a sincere love of the truth, but on the contrary worships illusions and lies. 'Seeing that men are foolish,' said Saint Paul, 'we have endeavoured to save them even by foolishness, imposing what is good on the blindness of their faith.' Here the great secret of Saint Paul's Catholicism grafted on the Christianity of Jesus awaits completion by the Jesuitism of Saint Loyola. The masses thrive on absurdities. Society is made up of a small number of wise men and a great herd of stupid people. Now the government of the stupid by the wise is what is desirable.
1 Kommentare:
There is a big propaganda push going on these days to kill off the Catholic church altogether (apparently every priest, bishop, or cardinal is now to be considered a pedophile) and even deny that Christ ever existed. This is part of the Illuminati's agenda to destroy a belief in Christ, in spirituality in general, and to eviscerate the brotherly message of Christ, which is love, tolerance, and forgiveness. It's a pity to see a guy like Greg Syzmanski being played like a fiddle by Catholic haters to the point that he links every aspect of the New World Order takeover with the Vatican. I mean it's simply astonishing what I'm reading at his web site: "The Vatican is in charge of the NWO." or "The Vatican is in charge of Bush", or "The Vatican is in charge of All Things Evil" etc. He's doing exactly what the Nazis did in the 1930's when it came to the subject of Jews, and he doesn't even realize it. He's scapgoating the Vatican, and by extension, the Catholic church and its members, as being the dominant, driving force behind the NWO, Satanism, etc, etc. And what is the logical conclusion that one must draw from such gross simplification and blame assignment? Simple. Let's get rid of the Vatican, the Pope, and all of those evil cardinals, and voila, the NWO falls like a house of cards! Isn't that what the Nazis did to the Jews? Blame them for all of Germany's woes?
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