December 4, 2009 mail entries 3

12/02'09 EJP explains use of the term "Nigga" on LRL and in Private

Dear Christian believer,
Thank you for taking the time to humbly give me correction to the end that the broadcast would be improved.
First as to the "N" word. The term "Nigga", not "Nigger", is the term that I use. I use that term, "Nigga" (a term used among all blacks in America today), when referring to all whites in general or to both all whites and all blacks in general, as both groups now relate to and are viewed by the Pope's CFR-controlled Federal Government under Jesuit rule. But I NEVER employ the term "Nigga" when describing all blacks – EVER! I do not use the term "Nigga" when referring to any black – EVER! Rather, I use two terms when describing two separate groups of American blacks: "majority savage blacks" (75%) – as opposed to the "minority civil blacks" (25%). No honest black man would rebuke me in the use of said terms. Remember, that I once had a black girlfriend in High School and, though a deceived Jehovah's Witness, was altogether lovely and kind to me. Further, my dearest Christian brethren in Germany while I was in the Air Force were Bible-believing, civil, Christian black men – and were resented by the majority savage blacks on the base.
Due to these deeply unforgettable, personal experiences, I never use the world "Niggers" when referring to any criminal blacks but rather the term "majority savage blacks", distinguishing these hatefully anti-white, racist criminals from the friendly, hard-working, Biblically-racist (preferring their own race to all others), "minority civil blacks" having benefited from high white Protestant culture – including the ability to read and enjoy the word of God in their own English language.
Further, 95% of the time, I employ the use of the term "Nigga" in describing ONLY all whites in general here in the Black Pope's 14th Amendment American Empire. I do this because the Masonic white power structure, ruling the Empire on behalf of the Order, considers us to be just that: "Niggas". We "Niggas" – white and black – are to pay any and all income/excise/privilege taxes without a whimper! We "Niggas" – white and black – are to march off and fight the Pope's Crusades with joy – "fighting for our country"! The incendiary term "Niggas" (created by Blacks themselves) is carefully used so as to incite my white listeners to anger and then productive, political action once they understand what they – we! – in fact, really are in the law, culture and present dilemma imposed by the Order via Washington, D.C. – "Niggas".
Thus, I want to offend my white listeners so they will wake up! Once they wake up, the term will be wholeheartedly understood, as we are now, in fact, lower than the lowest black slave of the once Protestant Old South. We are financially broken and deeply in debt, our health is broken, we have no savings, our master in Washington has abandoned and crushed us, and is moving in for the mass-extermination of his once most obedient White slaves. Now that you understand my defined and selective use of the term "Nigga", all should be well.

Regarding teaching the Bible, I do so in the context of hard, vehement preaching. Cold, dead, emotionless Bible-teaching has rocked the Bible-believing American white Christian men to sleep. I have observed this for the last 40 years and refuse to contribute to the crime. White men need preaching – hard, pulpit pounding, intense, uncompromising preaching. Anything less will never motivate repentant white Caucasian men to action. It was the loud and emotional preaching of Whitefield and Edwards that brought the First Great Awakening in the mid-1700s, without which there would have been no heaven-sent, Protestant American revolution. First comes the preaching, then repentance and then the heaven-sent revolution against absolutist, Jesuit tyranny with its leading man of God – in that order alone!

One last clarification: we should do all things "for the glory of God," and never "for the greater glory of God", as that last term is a creation of the Society of Jesus.

Thank you for taking the time to write and I know you are genuinely concerned for me. I trust that you now better understand my positions.
Lord Bless,
Brother Eric

Dear Eric,
Here are some unsolicited suggestions for you ...
I understand your hypothesis on God blessing different races. You are also right in your hypothesis of how the races are being forcibly mixed to help bring about the new world order. However, I found your use of the "N" word to be offensive yesterday. As Nicklas, Tom and Greg pointed out in the forum the use of outdated terminology only serves to alienate the very people you are trying to reach. It is the tone in which you use it also. But who am I to judge? Please forgive me if I have offended you. We cannot turn the clock back to the time when this nation was a Christian one. America will not be restored to what she was before. The bible clearly shows that she will be used to enforce the mark of the beast. Then Christ will return. When God makes the new heaven and the new earth, perhaps the U.S. will be made anew.
I offer this to you as a fellow brother in Christ. Also, keep in mind that there are likely some Jesuits/R.C. people listening to your broadcasts. You should tell them that they are commanded by God to "Come Out of her My people ..."
You have a very strong insight into the word of God and I wish that you would spend some more time on that too. While it is valuable to share about how the Order works, I believe that we are in the last days here and we need to have our full attention on Christ and washing people in His Word. I'm going to take my own advice now and apply it to my life!
I am praying for you and your ministry as you have shed light on a most neglected subject.

One other thing: remember that people high up in the order are really just pawns being used by principalities and powers to install the false messiah (lucifer) as king. Ask people to pray for them that their eyes may be opened to the truth. God has opened our eyes. We need to pray for brothers and sisters still entrapped in this church.
Christ is above all principality and power now and so everything that is occurring is being allowed to happen. Satan has received his power ultimately from God for as Jesus said to Pilate: "You would have no power except were it not given you from above."
Again, I need to say that I respect what role God has given you in all of this. I just felt I needed to say the above all for the greater glory of God.
p.s. Can you list all of the books that you read/recommend on your website?

Cojo) "Satan has received his power ultimately from God"(Santa) – undisputed by the great teacher and campaigner against Satanists, wow!

12/02'09 EJP corrected by Romanist: "perfidious" Jews eliminiated in 1960

Dear Reader,
I had stated on my broadcast of December 1, 2009, that the Jesuit-incited Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) eliminated the term "perfidious Jews" from its liturgies. I was calling attention to the fact that for centuries, the Papacy considered Jews to be "perfidious." I was wrong and now stand corrected. As per the article below, this term began to be eliminated by Pope Pius XII in 1955 and finally disappeared in 1960 with the decree of Pope John XXIII. Both Romanists were heavily responsible for the Papacy's Eurasian Jewish Holocaust. Thus, the removal of the word "perfidious" was one of several political maneuverings to rid the Vatican of its bloody stain of guilt behind the Nazi-SS, Inquisitional, mass-murder-extirpation of Europe's "heretics, liberals and Jews." At this same time the Papacy was removing its Nazi henchmen from Europe via its Vatican Ratlines – "Odessa".
Brother Eric

Dear Eric,
That ugly phrase was removed before the council started. See Christian-Jewish reconciliation. I had not known until looking it up today that it was removed in two stages. It "survives" today only in a very small subset of traditional Catholics who also believe there has been no true Pope since Pius XII died in 1958. I personally attend a traditionalist Catholic church where "perfidis judaeorum" is NOT said in the general intercessions on Good Friday, which is where is was once used. It is true that the old ritual did single out Jews for disdain – there are maybe a dozen general intercession prayers and there is a genuflection at the beginning of each (Flectamus genua – Levate), but that used to be skipped in the one for Jews.
The Catholic Good Friday service is very intense and solemn, and is the one Catholic ritual that I am not comfortable having non-Catholics present for. Not for anything shameful about it but for its intensity. All the same, anyone is welcome for it.

12/02'09 EJP replies to Brother Michael, an honorably retired Portland police officer

Dear Brother Michael,
This could well have been a planned set-up for the murder of white police officers at the hand of a mind-controlled, black savage. We are seeing this throughout the country because it is being planned that way. Washington state, Oregon, California, Philadelphia, etc. – all hosting black-on-white-cop, cold-blooded murder. The same holds true with the Muslims and their crimes such as the first WTC bombing, "9/11", "7/7" in London, the 2004 train bombing in Madrid, and now Ft. Hoodall controlled and directed by the Pope's Unified, International Intelligence Community.

And why? The Order is creating a common enemy for all whites in general. That enemy is to be used to unite all whites in general. That enemy in general is a people of color, Shemite Arab and Hamitic black. That people in general is to be Muslim in their religion. This is why the Order uses its Mafia/CIA to bring drugs into the black communities whose criminal males arrive in prison then to be radicalized into the hate-the-white-man-religion of the "African-American" Nation of Islam. Thus, the American culture is being polarized: whites of every "Christian" belief on the radical right, Arabs and blacks who are Muslims (along with alien Roman Catholic Latinos) on the radical left. Mulatto Obama leads the herd of blacks, mulattos, Arabs and Latinos, while Palin (or General Petraeus etc.) leads the herd of whites (Protestant and Roman Catholic). Black-on-white crime continues unabated, thus outraging the whites – as intended. The alien Roman Catholic Latino crime continues against whites – as intended. The Muslim Arab/black-on-white crime continues outraging whites who are Roman Catholic, Protestant and Baptist (as well as atheists) – as intended, all of which is purposed to finally culminate in a race war termed "Civil War II" by mulatto author Tony Brown in his Empower the People, the suspension of the white Protestant Constitution/white Baptist-Calvinist Bill of Rights and the implementation of Jesuit Fascist Martial Law – to the delight, deliverance and relief of all whites in general! Once fascism is firmly in place, all of the blacks, all of the Muslims and all Latinos – including the innocent – are going to the camps for extermination. These generally lower cultured, generally violent and generally intolerant peoples, whose communities were built by socialist-communist, Jesuit/CFR-directed, government-issued welfare checks, were the perpetrators of eighty percent of the empire's violent crime. Now that they have served their calculated purpose as the "means" to the "ends" of Jesuit fascism, they have no more use to the Order and its Freemasonic white power structure ruling the American Empire.

My point is that we must look into the details of these shootings. For I believe they are planned and executed by agents of the Order bringing about the Vatican's desired ends. Again, the endgame in the US/Canada is white Jesuit fascism that will kill all six million Jews in North America. To get there, whites must be driven to desperation via social upheaval, government abuse openly led by a mulatto/Muslim/anti-white, socialist-communist president (secretly directed by a white, Roman Catholic, Jesuit-controlled, socialist vice president), Muslim-on-"Christian" crime, black-on-white crime (especially crime against white cops) and then a "slap on the wrist" by the Order's Masonic judges overseeing the courts in order that the deadly cycle can be repeated. And CFR-connected, Fox News [as well as Viacom's Comedy Central] darling, ex-Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee was the white devil who released that black-murdering devil from prison serving a 168-year sentence for violent common law crimes most likely committed against whites.

This plot is working – beautifully. Most white Caucasian men I know – especially the police types – are furious, but void of the above understanding. And this ignorant fury, based upon only surface perceptions highlighted by the Pope's CFR-controlled news media, is right where the Jesuit Order seeks to drive all whites in general. Again, I suspect that the recent black-on-white mass-murder in Washington state was this kind of set-up. And since it may well have been a set-up, it is most convenient that the murderer was killed by another police officer, never to be interrogated by a skilled professional truly intending to ascertain the motive or "the motivators" behind the crime. Either way, whether a conspiratorial set-up or another savage black-on-white-cop crime, the Order benefited, further moving its "Holy Roman" 14th Amendment, cartel-corporate-fascist, socialist-communist, American Empire to its originally-intended ends – Jesuit fascism.
This is what I meant dear brother.
Lord Bless,
Brother Eric

Cojo) And your convictions (faith in "professionals" through televison and state piety) is based on what studies? What knowledge? What complete picture?

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